St. Paul’s Vocational Secondary School, Kasese, Uganda

projects completed:

2024 - Three-classroom block funded by donors from Western Canada

2023 - Three-classroom block funded by donors from Western Canada

2023 - Three-classroom block funded by donors from Western Canada


The congregation of St. Paul’s Cathedral, South Rwenzori Diocese and the community around has a continuously growing population. A large composition of this growing population are the youth of secondary and vocational school-going age groups.

This large youth population lacks a nearby secondary school to provide educational services and vocational skills. Therefore, St. Paul’s Cathedral Church established a vocational secondary school, St. Paul’s Vocational Secondary School, to benefit school dropouts, to attain nearby, affordable, convenient, formal vocational education skills to improve their future livelihoods.

With donations from donors in Western Canada, Classrooms for Africa was able to begin construction on the first 3-classroom block in early 2023. The second 3-classroom block was finished in late 2023. Thank you donors!







Kasese, Uganda