And the results are . . . . . . .

January is the month when schools in Uganda learn how their Primary 7 grade students fared in the state examinations the previous year. Here we feature the academic results of five of the primary schools we have recently been able to provide permanent classrooms for, thanks to our donors. Students were examined in Math, Science, Social Studies and English. The results support the reports from most of the schools when Classrooms for Africa carried out its 10 year survey last year. Improved learning and teaching environments were one of the major factors reported on.

Broadway Nursery and Primary School, Masaka:

Of the 114 students writing the exams, 98 scored first grade and 16 scored second grade. This is the best performance the school has ever had. The girls in particular excelled. Congratulations Broadway staff and students!

Creamland Nursery and Primary School, Kireka slum, Kampala

Creamland performed highest in the whole of Wakiso District. Of the 26 students who wrote state exams, 17 achieved first grade, 7 achieved second grade and 2 achieved third grade. Congratulations Creamland staff and students.

Migamba Hillside Primary School, Kyegegwa, Central Uganda

Twenty-nine students wrote the exams a Migamba Hillside. Of these, 3 obtained first grade, 22 obtained second grade and 4 obtained third grade. The school overall ranked best in their district and sub-county. All students qualified to go on to secondary school. Migamba school only received their first permanent classrooms halfway through 2018! Before that they were using a temporary wood and tin structure. Congratulations Migamba Hillside staff and students.

Okweta Primary School, Soroti

Okweta graduated their first Primary 7 class in 2018. The 7 candidates all passed and qualified to go on to secondary school. Two of the 7 received second grade status while the remaining 5 achieved a third grade level. Well done, staff and students for blazing the trail for future students!

Vineyard Christian School, Soroti

Of the 15 Primary 7 students who wrote the state exams at Vineyard school, all passed and are eligible for secondary school entry. Eight of the students achieved first grade and the remaining 7 achieved second grade. Vineyard ranked 20 out of 360 primary school in the whole Teso region. Congratulations to all the graduates and to the hard-working staff!

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