A Long Wait!

Classrooms for Africa receives many requests from struggling schools with good programs but lacking adequate permanent classrooms for the students. Because we are donor-based, we do not have funds on hand to meet the needs and have to promote projects to our donors who indicate the project they are interested in supporting. The result in most projects wait a long time for help. On our books we have several projects for which we have received smaller donations but not sufficient to start a building project.

We are very excited that thanks to donations from a number of sources we are able to start building classrooms at two new schools in month. These schools have been waiting for over two years. One of them is featured below:


This primary school is located near the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the Rwenzori foothills of Uganda. Current enrollment at the school is 423 students in Kindergarten through Grade 7. Established in 2012, the school is an outreach of the Evangelical Orthodox Church of Uganda located nearby. The church is also actively involved in providing help for the local rural impoverished community including health care and vocational training.

Currently classes are held in temporary reed, wood and tin structures as seen below:

Thanks to donors from Western Canada construction of a four-classroom block.the first phase of a permanent primary school, will start in April 2019. We received the following email from the School Director when he received the good news:

“Thank you so much. Like Simeon...I can now say: "Master let your humble servant rest in peace
...for he has seen the salvation of his people."
You cannot imagine how deep and fast I will sleep tonight! I have seen my God's hand at work
with and through Classrooms for Africa!  I was born and raised in this very village...which is so poor and abandoned....I walked for 4 hours going to school on foot, without shoes and no food! The school which I attended had only shanty temporary shelter full of jiggers! But we kept on...
And I did not want another child to go through the same. I am the first to obtain a university degree in this village! I chose to come back and "save" the future of these lovely BUT less privileged
children (just like I was) by establishing this rural community school...
I cannot wait to host you and have some story sharing with you later this year.
Bishop Tom Kiiza”
March 28, 2019

For more information about this or other projects waiting for help, please check here
OR email:

Heather SorensenComment