Uganda Schools Reopen

Since March 2020 all schools in Uganda have been closed due to the Covid_19 pandemic. Starting in mid-October, schools have been allowed to reopen, but only for those grades that are required to write state examinations ie. the equivalent of Grade 7, 11 and 13. Strict reopening protocols have been put in place and schools had to be inspected and issued with a compliance certificate before classes could start. Having had no income for nearly 8 months, all the schools struggled to meet the protocols. Classrooms for Africa was able to make a small grant to 15 schools to help purchase items such as no-touch thermometers, hand-washing stations, hand sanitizers, soap and masks.

We are happy to report that the reopening has gone well and learning is once again taking place. The other grades will be returning to school for the start of the 2021 school year in January. Here is a selection of pictures received from the schools showing the equipment purchased and the protocols in place.

Thank you, donors, who made this possible and congratulations to the schools which worked hard to prepare for their reopening day!

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