St. Francis Primary School nearing completion

In March 2015 the Classrooms for Africa team discovered the St. Francis Primary School in the Kasese District of Uganda. They were visiting St. Jude High School to assess the high school's need to complete two classrooms desparately needed to accommodate their overcrowded classroom facilities. During the visit a number of primary students were witnessing the visit and attention was drawn to "classroom" conditions of these primary students on land adjacent to St. Jude's.

Below are some scene which greeted the visitors' eyes.

Since that initial visit to the area funds were donated by a faithful donor in Canada to complete the high school classrooms and to build a permanent classroom block for the primary school. This block is now almost complete (see bleow) and when the new school year opens in February 2016, the young students will have new secure classrooms to enhance their learning environment. Thank you donor in Canada - you are making a vast difference to the lives of these young Ugandan students!

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